Today for learning I had to do math, the work that we were working on was diagrams and new things we had to do were difficult and calding for me. I hope you enjoy and leave a positive comment.
Today for learning I had to do math, the work that we were working on was diagrams and new things we had to do were difficult and calding for me. I hope you enjoy and leave a positive comment.
Today for learning we had to work on math, it was a new thing for me to work on but we were learning about diagrams, we had three tasks to do and a create task and we had to write some questein. I hope you enjoy it and please leave a positive comment.
Today for learning i had to do some math but the upsetting thing was that we had to be doing our learning in lockdown, it was easy work to do but we had work that I have never done before it was an new thing for me. I hope you enjoy and please leave an positive comment
Kid should get paid to go to school
I disagree
We came to school to learn and get a good education not to get money.
You shouldn't get paid because they will waste your money for the wrong thing.
It's way too young to get paid and that is why we have teachers and so we can focus on going to university.
When you go to universe you can get an apprenticeship for your career so you can go longer.
Being surface in life and you're gonna know the benefits of your job.
The kids will only come to school for the money and not for learning.
Topic: Kids should get paid to go to school.
I Disagree because there are opportunities {one} when you come to school you can focus on your education, learn a lot more than you can go further on going to universe, you can do your dream job then focus on money not getting paid when you are young.
But you might ask why I disagree, because kids like my age couldn't be mature with spending the money that we have. But i think that we shouldn't get paid but it’s not that easy to get money for all the kids to have. I think that we shouldn’t get paid because the government of education is paying for everything for the school and they are paying the teachers for there jobs.
It is fun to come to school and to hang out with some friends to learn how kids know how to be kids and not to get paid. It’s clear Being surface in life and you're gonna know the benefits of your job is going to be like When you go to university you can get an apprenticeship for your career to be more surface.That is why we have teachers help us to learn.